Going Through A Divorce And Want Full Custody Of Your Children? 2 Tips To Help You Get It

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If you are going through a divorce and have children, this can be very difficult for them. Fighting for custody of them can make things even more difficult. To help with this, below are two tips to help you win your custody case quicker so you and your children can get on with your lives.

1. Hire the Right Lawyer

The first thing you should do is to hire a child custody lawyer to help you win your child custody case. The lawyer can ensure you do what you need to do and the right paperwork is filed to the court. They will sit and go over your case with you to determine the best way to handle it.

If any problems come up during the trial, the attorney can help you deal with them immediately. Without an attorney you may not know what you should do and be doing something wrong could hurt your chances of getting full custody.

The attorney can also determine the child support payments your partner will have to pay each month if you win full custody. The lawyer will keep your children in mind every step of the way to keep them out of the dispute.

2. Properly Prepare for the Case

You also need to properly prepare for your case. If you are not prepared this can halt the proceedings and make the process much longer.

Part of this preparation is gathering information to prove to the judge that your children will have a better life by living with you. For example, if your spouse has ever been arrested, if they will not work, or they have shown aggression to the children in the past, your chances of gaining full custody are much higher.  You will have to show proof of these things to the judge. For example, you can get your spouse's arrest record, as well as W2s showing large gaps in unemployment.

Make a list of the things you have done with your children in the past, such as trips you have taken or going to the park. The judge needs to see that you are a good parent and part of this is spending time with your children. If your children are in school, bring progress reports and report cards with you to court. The judge will look at doing well in school as a good sign that the kids are happy with you.

Talk to your child custody attorney about this information and they can give you many more details on how the process works.
