
Crohn's Disease? Collect These 3 Things To Win Social Security Disability Benefits

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Do you have mild to severe Crohn’s disease? Does your condition interfere with your ability to work? If so, you probably qualify for Social Security disability benefits. In order to win those benefits, though, there are 3 very important things you’ll need to gather. Read on to find out what they are. 1.  A Well-Documented Medical History In order to qualify for Social Security disability benefits, your condition must have prevented you from gainfully working in the last 12 months, or must be expected to prevent you from working for a full 12 months following your application.…

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When Simple Driving Offenses Can Cause You To Need A Criminal Attorney

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When most people get behind the wheel of their car, they have no intentions of doing anything that will require them to need a criminal attorney, but unfortunately some relatively simple driving offenses can cause this to be a reality. Traffic offenses that may routinely be addressed with a simple citation and fine, can blossom into something you will have to take care of in criminal court if you do not handle them correctly to begin with.…

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What Travelling for Work Means for Workers Compensation Benefits

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Although most workplace injuries are clear and leave little room for question about whether worker’s compensation applies or not, there are many that are subjective. When a worker’s compensation case is questionable, that can make it difficult to get benefits without the support of an attorney. A worker’s compensation attorney can help you prove that your injury was work related, which will help you secure your benefits. With an increase in business travelers and telecommuters, here’s a look at what you need to know if you’re injured on a trip or in your home office.…

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Can You Sue A Crisis Pregnancy Center For Providing False Information?

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Crisis pregnancy centers (also called pregnancy resource centers) are non-profit organizations that claim to provide women with information about pregnancy, birth control, abortion and other related concerns. However, as studies conducted on these organizations have shown, these facilities frequently disseminate false medical information and have engaged in dubiously ethical behaviors such as refusing to refer women to healthcare providers. Women who made adverse decisions about their pregnancies based on misinformation obtained from crisis pregnancy centers or were forced to delay taking action because of something the staff members did may wonder if it possible to sue the facility for compensation for damages sustained?…

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Are Proceeds From Lawsuits Exempt From Bankruptcy?

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Filing for bankruptcy can eliminate your liability for most judgments resulting from lawsuits, but what happens when you’re expecting to receive compensation from legal claim? Whether or not you get to keep the money depends on a number of factors. Here’s what you need to know about filing for bankruptcy when you have a legal claim or cause of action pending. Timing is Everything How your legal claim is handled depends on the date the incident occurred, not when you’re expected to receive your payout.…

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3 Instances Of Faulty Automotive Equipment Resulting In Lawsuits

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Automakers have a long history of weighing personal injury lawsuit amounts with the cost of repairing dangerous problems with their vehicles. Even though this problem first came to light in the sixties, the dangers continue to worsen as cars leave their mechanical systems behind and move to electronic ones. Even in the face of deadly accidents, automakers often spend time calculating risk to see if it’s financially viable to perform the recall.…

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